It is a saturday night and things are just so happening over here at the Woods house, as usual. I am eating brownies and answering emails, or at least trying to. This is my favorite kind of happening. The type of happening where I am at home and nothing is happening. One email caught my attention and I thought I should just share it with you for some extra fun! This one comes from youtube user scrapmom65:
I am an avid scrapbooker and would never scrapbook using these
ridiculous techniques. Use masking tape, gum wrappers to scrapbook?
Ridiculous! Would like to see what the scrapbook looks like in 10
years! I want my scrapbooks to last for many generations and always use
acid and lignin free products. Looks like something my 4 year old would
use for scrapbooking.....gum wrappers and masking tape. I will pass
this video on to my scrapbook friends for a good laugh!
OH MY BUDDHA! She sounds like a lot of fun to rise up and create with! So warm and fuzzy! And nice, don't you think she seems nice? Ridiculously nice.