I decided to take a break from all my moaning and distract myself by blog hopping. It's my favorite type of hopping-no sports bra required! I see that so many people have made New Year's resolutions to take a self portrait per day every day (or every week) of the new year. I think that is GREAT! I am excited that people are taking pictures and being IN the pictures. These resolutions seem way easier and cheaper to keep than the one that involves a gym membership. I take pictures every single day! The pictures are rarely of me, but of things I want to remember or that inspire me. Sometimes, the picture taking (art creating!) is just to entertain myself. And some days, when my arthritic hands can't keep up with my brain, photos are my journal pages. They need no words or embellishments.I've said what I need to with the photo. A few weeks ago I received a gift from a friend and when I emailed her to say thanks, she emailed back asking if I was wearing the gift or was I just being nice. In the wee hours of the night, without makeup and with flat hair, I snapped a photo of me wearing the gift and emailed it to my friend. It was SO FUN! As you can see, I was laughing while I did it and now this photo is part of the gift. She didn't just give me a cute shirt. Part of the gift was the funny experience of taking the picture and the conversation that followed. I printed the email and the photo and that was my journal page for the day.
As I look at many self portraits on blogs and flickr, I am really surprised to see so few people smiling! People, what is going on? Why isn't anyone smiling? What's with all the I need more fiber in my diet facial expressions? Nobody looks like they are having fun with their portraits. Taking your own photo should be fun. I have a really hard time NOT smiling when I take self portraits. I understand feeling like not smiling (uh, earlier today) but the fact that so many people are expressionLESS has me a bit worried for people. Art and self expression should be enjoyable and invigorating. Or is it that people fear not being taken seriously if they don't look really serious? Is an artist less of an artist if they are HAPPY? Or, is it just that so many people haven't gotten to the time in their lives when they are ok with who they are and what their faces and bodies look like? Do Karen and I need to write more letters to Shape magazine? What I loved most about that video the bloggers made for Rosie is that people were being themselves, in all shapes and sizes.
If you are doing a self portrait thing, and are posting your pics to flickr, please add them to the Art Army group. We want to see what you look like and we want to celebrate YOU...remember, YOU ARE ART.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.