We keep getting "tagged" by other bloggers and are asked to talk about 8 quirky things about us. I think we do that here on a daily basis. Our quirks always come out in full force when something big is about to happen or when are working on a big project. Even though Karen and I agree on everything totally, and we love and hate the same things, we have very different lifestyles. Even in our different lives, whatever happens to one of us eventually happens to the other. One way we're different is that Karen takes really bad care of herself and always gets really horrible diseases and ailments. I take really good care of myself (usually) and get normal-ish ailments (how is that fair?I should have no ailments). Our ailments always happen at the wrong time but never at the same time. It's good because one of us can always be reminding the other one what matters (dessert).But with Karen, as soon as she has a diagnosis, she is magically-INSTANTLY-cured. It's great! I never am sad that she is about to kick the bucket because if the doc said she was about to die, she'd spring to life! When we were working on Visual Chronicles, she got strep throat and of course did nothing about it and it spread to her kidneys and she was about 2 seconds away from being put on dialysis and the transplant list. Then, PRESTO BAMMO she was fine as soon as we got in the car. After being with her at the doctor appointment, I caught her strep throat -kidney thing and was on anti-biotics for 3 months. So...yeah.
This morning I spent my time before being poked and prodded by taking still life photographs of the room I was in while waiting for the nurse. If I were Karen, my strange symptoms would now be gone! But I am me and they aren't and now we'll have to wait a week to know if I am dying, or in menopause, or need to have my thyroid removed. Or maybe, after looking at all those photos of ticks in preparation for our trip to New York last month, I got Lyme Disease! I am sure I could totally be the first person to get Lyme just by LOOKING.
So, in celebration of the fact that I may or may not be dying and because we've got some fun news to tell you on Saturday, we will be having another contest very soon.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.