I created this journaled bra a couple years ago for an art challenge in an online art group. I think I was eventually kicked out of the group because I didn't participate enough in their swaps and challenges or do a lot of posting. I am not sure, though, because once you get evicted from these types of groups, it is hard to get back in to find out why you've been given the boot. Or maybe they sent out one of those emails that says if you want to stay in the group email us back but because I don't ever check my yahoo mail, I didn't respond. Anyway, this bra was published in Somerset Studio magazine and it is the one journaly thing people ask me the most about. I am always surprised people remember it. It's hard to see in this photo, but some the text reads: My Body My Temple ~ Numbers Do Not Define Me. So, when I was contacted by an editor and asked to submit another art bra for a new publication, I did it without hesitation. Well, no, that's not true. I said yes then hesitated on the actual making part of it. I wouldn't be me if I didn't think about things for a long time then wait until 2 days before a project is due to create it. Here's my new journaled bra about courage (sorry the picture is so sucky but since I waited until the last minute to mail it, I didn't have time to get better pictures)~