During the year of unfortunate, inconvenient, and scary times (Deadly infections! Broken shoulder blade! Bionic knee! Dental implants! Horrendous out of network doctor bills!), I kept a journal and some of the thoughts I had at the time have made their way onto cards. I think they are good for most types of life events that are not celebrations.

Sometimes you have no words (Awkward Silence Card), sometimes you want some words (life is crappy but tell me your good news please card), and sometimes, you have have the perfect sarcastic words to give (Inappropriate Jokes Friend card).

It's also fun to use our family cats as art. These cards feature my cat, Zibby, and Karen's cat, Mac-a-roon!
Meow Vey, Party Cat, and Rudolph The Red Nosed Cat.
If you are getting your fall decorating in full swing, I have some sweet nature designs that look wonderful on metal, like farmers market signs:

Pumpkins Sign, Pine Cones Sign, and Fresh Corn sign.