This morning, I was in Trader Joe's trying to decide how many different types of chicken salad to get when I heard a squeal of delight. That is not uncommon in Trader Joe's. It's also not uncommon that I'd have my camera ready to snap a photo in the blink of an eye. When I heard the squeal, I looked up because I had to know what delicacy caused such a reaction and then I saw that it was NUNS and well, yeah.
Why'd they put a camera and a silence option on the iPhone if they don't expect you to use it?
If you go to Trader Joe's, get the Rosemary Apricot Chicken Salad. Oh my Buddha! SO GOOD! It is as good if not better than the Wine Country Chicken salad (which is DELISH!) and much better in the calorie department. Oh, just get both, I did. I also got a carrot cake, but that wasn't very good. I also got this great picture of a gasping nun!
We are loving all your comments telling us what you'd like. You guys are hysterical and you should all be friends with each other because you seem to have a lot in common! Tonight I will finish eating all the Mac n Cheese crackers (they are GOOD!), will write the names down, put them in the box, then pull a winner or two.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.