My husband and I went to see A History of Violence today because I think that Billy Crudup was the better Prefontaine and I always confuse Viggo Mortensen with that creep Billy who left his pregnant girlfriend for his so-called friend Claire Danes. Aside from the ending of this movie, three bad things happened.
1. Nobody called Viggo Pre, even when he was running really fast.
2. There was a weird sex scene on wood stairs that hurt just to look at.
3. Our Edwards Cinema now sells "Rip Cords" instead of Red Vines. In case you are thinking you'll try the Rip Cords on the chance they might be as good as Red Vines, don't bother. They are really shiny, smell like a pink eraser and taste like one, too. Totally GROSS.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.