We are happy to announce that I have pulled a winning name out of the bag: Chris P. and her Lean Cuisine! Congratulations, Chris! I'm also going to be sending a handful of I AM ART buttons to some people who shared lunch with us, so check your emails. We LOVED reading EVERY comment and we appreciate that you took the time to share your lunch with us!
For a nice change from the Lean Cuisine I normally eat, my husband and I decided to try Pinkberry so we could be cool like everyone else. Eh. I don't get what the big deal is. My friend Marlene told me that I would not like it at first but after about 6 bites I would really like it. I could see how she could be right but I ruined it for myself by saying out loud that it tasted like sour cream. Once I heard myself say that, it was all over. Though, it was really very refreshing. I just don't like eating a tub of sour cream mixed with chocolate chips. Cream cheese and chocolate chips, yes, sour cream, no. Karen ate Barilla Angela Hair Pasta PLUS and 3 Hershey's Kisses while waiting for it to heat up. And a vicodin. She has a migraine.
It thrills us that we are able to give away books we have written and illustrated because books have always mattered to us. When we were kids, books were how we escaped. They taught us to dream, explore and be curious. They gave us a temporary way out. No matter what was going on or where we were, as long as I had my copy of Mandy with me, I was ok. Mandy is written by Julie Andrews and is about a young girl who lives in an orphanage and finds a secret cottage in the forest which she makes her own secret little place. OH MY BUDDHA! Art became my secret cottage. This book inspired us to follow our dreams and on that journey our dream led to us writing a book and MEETING JULIE ANDREWS WHEN WE WERE ALL DOING A BOOK FESTIVAL TOGETHER. Magic happens because of books.
In celebration of books and dreams, we want to help Lain live her dreams of helping kids get books they need through donations to Books for Kids. We are so thankful that we have generous friends who share our passion! Here is the deal:
There will be prizes given to random donors who donate a minimum of $10 through Lain's Books for Kids badge from January 15, 2008- February 1, 2008. When you make your donation, be sure your name and contact information are correct! Do not make your donation as "anonymous" if you would like to be eligible for a prize.
Prizes to be given to individual donors (selected at random):
One signed copy of Journal Revolution (from me and Karen)
One signed copy of Visual Chronicles (from me and Karen)
One fabulous hand-made mini album ready and waiting for your pictures (created by artist Maria Hammon)
One beautiful framed floral photograph (like you see here by Artist Maria Hammon)
One too cool for school Diva Home Chic Tool Kit (Donated by Suzi Finer and IAMADIVA.COM)
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.