With the season of baking upon us, I thought I should do some serious taste testing to find the best chemical cream cheese frosting. I love cream cheese frosting but I do not love making it. Knowing which chemical frosting is best to grab off the grocery store shelf when you are in hormone hell is important to know all year long. It's best to avoid power tools of the kitchen variety when you are hot flashing.
For today's test, I am comparing Betty Crocker Rich and Creamy Cream Cheese Frosting and Duncan Hines Creamy Cream Cheese Frosting. Both put creamy in italics. Excellent marketing strategy! This is canned frosting so you can go ahead and assume it is full of chemicals. I am not going to discuss the health value. If it matters to you, the Ducan Hines does not have high fructose corn syrup. All that matters to me is the taste.
Both look pretty much the same with the Ducan Hines being a warmer shade of white. Duncan's smells buttery and Betty's smells sweet. Neither of these taste like cream cheese frosting but there is a winner. Betty's is a sweet white frosting that would be ok on anything you put it on if you are desperate. It has a generic grocery store bakery section frosting taste. Duncan's, while also not tasting cream cheesey, does taste buttery sweet instead of sickeningly sweet. The Duncan Hines frosting was more satisfying. My vote goes to Duncan Hines. The star of this taste test is actually those totally addictive waffle cookies from Trader Joe's. Even the bakery sweet Betty Crocker frosting did not ruin these!
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