Things going on:
*I have become a Birkenstocks convert. I've been complaining about my aching feet and everyone told me to try Birkenstocks. I am glad I finally caved and tried some. I know they are super trendy right now and on all the runways, but after growing up in the Bay Area, Birkenstocks to me mean Berkeley and women who put raw sunflower seeds on everything and stop shaving their legs. Oh how quickly I did not mind looking like a hippie after wearing these sandals all day! I have the trifecta of aching feet- arthritis, bone spurs, and plantar fasciitis. Or in other words, I am officially 46.
*Now that summer is here and it is 100 degrees in the shade, we are all freaked out that it is too hot for Apocalypse outside. We got lovely new neighbors (they replaced Apocalype's original owner, Falling Tree Lady) who had all their trees trimmed so we have no shade. We ordered a cooling mat for him to try. If he doesn't like it, I may sleep on it.
*Currently watching during Dustin's hiatus: Lilyhammer, Aquarius, High Profits, and The Briefcase. Can't wait for True Detective this weekend! High Profits is about a pot shop in Breckenridge, but it is even more about small business owners and angry white men with money who are terrified of change. That doesn't sound too exciting to watch but the small business pot shop owners have such a great attitude, determination, and work ethic.
Currently knowing: It is Father's Day tomorrow which makes many people who had a bad dad or have kids with a bad dad very moody. Father's Day does not have to suck. Do something fun for yourself. Celebrate YOU! I am going to do my part to make Father's Day less sucky by giving away a $40 gift card to my originals shop. You can use it on whatever you want, whenever you want. Yay, prizes! All you have to do is comment here (or on instagram or facebook) and tell me what you had for lunch. Or tell me you are a badass survivor. Sunday night I will put the names in an empty peanut butter cup tub and choose one.
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