Eleven year-old me and 45 year-old me. Not much has really changed! A few more scars, more wrinkles, better bangs.
*I still have the gap in my front teeth despite so much extensive dental work. It has never bothered me, and still does not.
*I was a night owl then and still am.
*I snuck out of classes that were boring in elementary school and still learn things better on my own. I can teach myself pretty much anything.
*I hated any team sport that involved anyone throwing a ball at me. Still the same.
*At ten I was terrified of cats. I am a cat lady now!
*Davey was my favorite Monkee. Still is.
*Then, my brother Tod and I had a secret language that only we knew. His name for me was Lurvey. I have no idea how that came about. He has not called me Lurvey in yahrens.
*I did not like soup then. I still don't.
*I also did not like saucey spaghetti. Still don't. I always just want a little sauce.The other family trivia here is my seester likes it saucey.
*At ten I still slept with the blanket my Nana made for me. Yes, I still do. My husband thinks it is the itchiest thing ever and it is only allowed on my side of the bed. I bet if more people kept their special blankets there would be fewer people binge drinking.
*I hated baby talk. I still hate it, especially when adults use it to speak to other adults.
* Even at ten, I either hated or loved things and was not afraid to speak about it. Obviously, no change.
*I loved to bake in a real kitchen or my pretend kitchen. Still baking!
*I was always inpatient when things took too long too end or finish. All the mixed tapes I made from the radio had songs cut off before they ended. Ending this list now because it is taking too long.... :)
A couple more days until my guest blogger Zibby fills in for me while we enjoy some time off.
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