Spring is coming which also means Easter and Passover (and allergy season). Now that they days are getting longer, I already have spring fever when it comes to nesting and can't get enough color in my rooms!
Spring decor does not have to be bunnies and carrots. You can use spring colors to set the mood. An abstract piece is perfect!

Or a contemporary twist on symbolic art~

Spring is a season of change and when it comes to all things social media, things are always evolving. I always feel nostalgic about this blog since it was home to our personal thoughts for so long, but it too has evolved. If you are looking for my more personal posts (journal pages, cats, food, lists) , those can be found on Instagram now.
My personal page on Instagram is here.
*It auto posts to facebook here if you prefer that format.
My professional, all artwork page on instagram is here.
*It auto posts to facebook here if you prefer that format.