A few weeks ago a client contacted me about using some of my artwork for a new project. The artwork they wanted to use was large abstracts on canvas. I loved the idea and agreed to it (I am sworn to secrecy until next year) but I was not quite sure how to format my artwork for their needs because it was not digital artwork and I am an old school artist. I wanted to learn how to work on this project myself and I wanted to actually have a clue what my client was talking about when it came to formatting. I started checking out classes at my community college and found out that if I got a library card I could take some classes for free through the library at my own leisure. Perfect, especially since I love learning but hate school.
The most difficult part of the library card issue was finding the entrance to the parking lot. I think Trader Joe's parking lot designers must now be designing library parking lots. Anyway, our fancy new library has the type of floor that makes squeaky shoes squeak even louder. I squeaked the entire way from the entrance to the library card lady's desk. And then I unzipped my purse to get my ID out and the sound of the unzipping action was really unusually loud. It was so damn quiet in this library that it was freaking me out. Everyone had earbuds in while they were reading or working on the computers, heads bobbing to their own tunes. In this Starbucks generation, I think it is time the whole antiquated "be quiet in a library" thing ends. People take their work to Starbucks or Barnes & Noble because there IS noise there. Who can work in the loud, deafening forced silence? I totally get wanting quiet if you are trying to sleep or meditate. In a library, I want my mind awakened! I want sounds and sights and textures. I would also like a cafe in my library (see Black Diamond, my dream library that we had the pleasure of visiting). Silence is distracting, especially when punctuated with people coughing or sniffing or tapping their pencils while they think. It made me think of prisoners being sent to solitary confinement. Silence is a punishment!
I could not get out of that library fast enough, which everyone heard because my shoes squeaked all the way back to the exit.
Shop: Limited Edition Prints, Greeting Cards, and Pillows | Original Art
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.