I am about a week away from putting Granola Barpocalypse 2014 behind me. Oh how happy this makes me! In April, I bit into a granola bar and it broke two of my upper teeth. One tooth broke all the way out and the other cracked down the middle. It was the plan that one tooth would be replaced with an implant and the cracked tooth would be crowned in an attempt to save it. Of course the teeth were on opposite sides, which made eating difficult. The implant part is done and my final crown on the broken tooth should be in next week.
It's been months of dental procedures, pain, another stupid flipper, and the general uneasiness that comes with being toothless. I tried to not let my jack-o-lantern smile stop me from anything, in the same way I tell people not to let being fat stop you from being in photos with your kids. Between April and now, my husband had his knee replaced, we traveled to Canada, I went to Nashville to help my niece get moved in to college, I got a
horrible haircut, and life kept happening. Lots of selfies happened with and without the flipper in. Perspective was kept, most of the time.
On bad days (tooth aches are the worst!), when I would comment that I hated meeting people while I do not have teeth, friends would tell me the space was
not noticeable and that I look fine. Uh huh. I decided that telling someone something totally and obviously wrong with their face was not noticeable is just the silliest thing EVER. The totally not visible space was like a magnet! Almost every in- person conversation I had with people involved them moving more and more to my left side to see the space and figure out what was going on. It was hard not to laugh when it would happen but the more I laughed, the more people could see the gaping hole where the granola bar attacked.
I decided that if you have a loved one complaining about anything on their face, be it a pimple, a missing tooth, or an eye patch, just give them the real deal.
Yes, that thing is noticeable and about 5 minutes into the conversation, it will suddenly become invisible to the person you are talking to. Ask the person something about themselves and your problem will disappear before their eyes. This advice works for all issues.
I am looking forward to the new season with a new haircut, teeth to chew pie with, a husband who can walk again, and whatever fun adventures await us. And just to be sure everything stays good for at least a day after posting this, I have smudged the house, hung new prayer flags, knocked on wood, and praised every God there is.
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