We are celebrating life and some freedom at our house. It is 50 days post bionic knee and every day has gotten better. The doctor has given the ok to start working out with weights and living life like we normally do- so that my husband can get back to work in about 6 weeks. The focus is now building strength and stamina. Being a Grip requires a lot of lifting, pushing, and contorting to fit in odd spaces while wearing a 20 pound tool belt, kind of like shopping at Trader Joe's at noon. Maybe I should send him to do the shopping as a fitness test?
It has been a difficult few months for sure. But, there's nothing like watching someone persevere in hard times to make you want to do better in all things yourself. On the other hand, it also makes you realize what NOT to worry about. It is a rule that at the worst times your car will break down, a pipe in your house will burst, a loved one will get sick, and your cat will barf all over. The inconvenient things always happen when you can least afford them financially or emotionally. Once you get that, it doesn't really frazzle you as much. It's also a rule that at those worst times, the people you'd last expect to be supportive end up being totally supportive and reassuring. Isn't it odd how that happens?
I knew going into this that times would be hard financially and I started saving up mileage points, gift cards, and travel rewards so that when it got to be the time when we really needed an escape, we could have one. Sometimes the escape is going for a scoop of ice cream and sometimes it is a weekend getaway- both are part of the
living like we normally do now plan. Focusing on good things really does make you get better faster in all situations. I am excited to plan some fun things for the next 6 weeks!
What fun things are you doing this summer?