I hate the term clean eating. When I hear people say it I want to poke them in the face with a dirty fork. It's just so snooty and presumptuous. Don't most people have access to the internet, a tv, magazines, and newspapers? I am pretty sure that most people know eating pesticides is bad, that eating fiber is good for you, and that if you have high cholesterol you should not eat a lot of bacon. I know people love labeling things and giving your way of eating a name somehow makes it better. I get it. I like convenience eating. I think that people should do what works for them. If you are alive and happy and healthy then whatever you do is good. My goal in life is to stay alive and still fit in my size 12 jeans.

I have been following the old Weight Watchers points plan. I have for years. I also eat salad and fruit every day, and once in a while I eat bacon sandwiches on white bread with mayo from a jar. Sometimes I stress eat, sometimes I eat less, and sometimes more. I keep track of my points in an app on my phone but when I got my
groovebook a while back I thought it would be fun to make a food journal with one. I have been taking photos of foods I eat regularly and adding the point values to them. Due to dental issues, I have been eating a lot of soft foods and it has been interesting to see how those points add up. As much as I love the convenience of keeping all my food tracking on my phone, this photo journaling project has been so fun for me! And enlightening! I can't wait to be able to flip through my
convenience eating photo book.

No matter what style diet you maintain, I think this type of journaling project would be fun with kids over the summer. Take photos of your meals, the veggies you grow in the garden, or your Quarter Pounder with cheese and add notes. I add my notes with the
Phonto app but you could of course do it the old fashioned way. Your kids could try new foods for the sake of the journal and end up loving carrots. Whatever works.