Last week my tooth broke. At first I thought it was just a crown popped off but a trip to the denist confirmed my worst nightmare: an implant is required. Of course because I am me, it is a visible tooth near the front. Also because I am me, it comes during a very stressful time when my husband is about to undergo surgery. How am I supposed to stress eat chips and salsa now? It's hard to chew with that tooth gone.
The dentist made me a new flipper so that my other teeth won't move over while I go through the whole implant process. The thing is, it doesn't fit properly yet because of the tiny bit of tooth still there. And while it doesn't fit properly yet, it does feel exactly like the one from before- like having the back of a plastic spoon pressed against your tongue at all times. I can't yet go 5 minutes without getting queasy and drooling. The entire time I am having conversations with people I can't even pay attention to anything they are saying because all I can think about is my tongue being pressed all weird against the flipper. Forget about driving, I get car sick immediately. It is gross and exhausting. Trying not to lisp and drool at the same time is hard, man.
I know it is totally distracting to talk to people when they have a missing tooth. Hell, being toothless is a halloween costume! People can't help but stare that the gaping hole. I remember last time people would tell me they did not care if I was drooling or toothless, they still wanted to see me. Or they'd say it's just a tooth. But it is not just a tooth. That is the thing. The thing I remember most about that time was how hard it was having the flipper in at all times so my existence would please other people. Age has brought me clarity and even less fear of saying no. I'm gonna be flipperless until I am not. I'm probably gonna smile less (in public) on days I am extra self-consious. When I feel laughy I will post those photos and stories, too. So, this is me 45 and down a tooth.
What has me most worried is if the toothless issue is repeating does that mean I should cover my other eye to ward off spiders?