Late last night I was trying to not fall asleep in case my husband fell
asleep driving home after a 16 hour day and I landed on Oprah's Favorite Things show. I'm thinking she is a bit out of touch with reality as far
as what people like. Seriously, who has room for an elliptical machine?
Also, who spends $238 on a set of bar soap? Oprah, apparently. If you
have hard water, you make your cleaning day easier by using liquid soap
daily anyway. $238 makes very expensive soap scum on your tile. Do you
really have to spend a fortune on gifts for your friends? We do not
think so.
1. A box of Sudafed*, some Excedrin Migraine, a bag of chocolate chips,
and a jar of peanut butter would probably make any woman with ovaries
and a nose happy.
2. Anyone who goes to
Starbucks is easily made
happy with even the smallest gift card ($5).
You can even email those
now. Easy Peasy! No need to empty a closet to fit this gift in.
3. People with feet (especially travelers who love to explore by foot) would love
anti-blister socks. It seems like a
semi-lame gift at first but the moment they wear them expect a love
letter (after they gave you the look because you got them
socks). I love
my little brother for introducing me to these socks. These socks are availble for men and women.
4. This under $6
cake knife is my new favorite thing. Slice warm
brownies and cookie bars without making a huge crumbly, sticky mess. My
husband gave me one for Hanukkah and I love it. It may look
underwhelming in a box from amazon, but once those lemon bars come out of
the oven and they start slicing, you will be their favorite.
5. Mix tapes, or CD's (or whatever you put playlists on). This is pretty much a free gift and if you make one for a friend based on a life experiencs and memories, it's a keeper. It's a music journal, really. I am making one for my seester because she spends a lot of time commuting. Listening to songs that mean something while sitting in traffic will make that long ass drive better. But since I actually haven't made it yet (other than in my head), she probably won't get it until Valentine's Day...must find a song about late gifts to include.
*Target brand Sudafed is the best generic we have tested
(and it's under $5). You really can't give many people this gift without
being arrested for making meth, so choose wisely.
Art is also a great gift! Check my shop for originals or my art-on demand shop for prints, cards, and canvas reproductions.