I'm living it up this week by trying new things at Trader Joe's. I was feeling adventurous so decided to try things people suggested I try, wanted me to try, or that I saw other people trying.
*Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies: The week Karen and I accidentally became Vegan by force when we taught at the Omega Institute prepared me for eating Vegan everything. It also prepared me for never wanting to eat anything Vegan. I would normally push my cart by the Vegan section very fast but our little not-Vegan brother told me he was addicted to these, so I bit the bullet. A bullet would be tastier. I am pretty sure this "cookie" is really just a piece of salted cardboard with slight moldy sand flavoring. GROSS! 2 bites were 2 bites too many.
*Chili Spiced Mango: I would not normally ever buy these because they look like dried up tongues. I was afraid to take a bite of one of these so I cut off a small trial piece. FIRE IN THE HOLE! WOW! These are the cure to all your sinus problems! Spicy and fruity and I somehow got addicted to these. The similarity to a dry tongue still freaks me out so I have to chop them into bite sized pieces of fire to eat them. I like them, they help my sinus headache.
*Milk Chocolate Covered Potato Chips: I pretty much like chocolate covered anything. But, I don't really like potato chips unless they are not very salty and there is dip involved. I also prefer dark chocolate now that I am an adult and have seen the light, uh, dark. That being said, these are pretty good and it's very easy to eat the entire bag. It's best to eat them in the privacy of your own home because some of the chips are stuck together and whatever it is they put in Big League Chew gum that makes you drool profusely, they also put in these. There is also a slight BandAid taste which might not bother you depending on how bad your PMS is. I wouldn't get these again, but they were a fun experience.
*Kettle Corn Cookies: I love Kettle Corn and I love cookies so I avoided trying these as long as I could. On the other hand, I really wanted to honor the inventor of a popcorn chip cookie. You know they were in some kind of mood when this idea occurred to them. Then the other day, our older brother mentioned these cookies to us and I couldn't ignore them any longer. Holy Mother of Kettle Corn! These are heavenly. Sweet, salty, caramely, crunchy, chewy, buttery, and possibly lethal. A few of the cookies I got had unpopped corn kernels in them which just adds to the danger of eating them. I paid a lot for my fake teeth so I paid close attention to every bite. I am hooked.
Have you tried anything new lately?