The renovation of our kitchen should be starting next week. It's been a lot of work getting to this point and mostly the frustrating type of work that involves dealing with insurance companies and big fat liars at banks. If you can avoid it, never have a broken pipe that leads to mold and an insurance company that feels the need to tell your mortgage company everything instead of just dealing with you, their customer. The thing nobody tells you is that when you have a mold problem in some states, your insurance company will make the check for repairs payable to you AND your mortgage company. And then your life will become hell. You have now been told. You won't ever get the money for needed repairs back from the bank in one lump sum and it will be a long involved process and in the mean time, the mold spores grow. While you wait for the mortgage holder ( those bastards!) to send you the money that is actually yours, they will call you five times a day to ask you why the mold has not been removed yet. My eyes are stuck in a permanent eye roll position.
This weekend we went on a hunt for granite for our new counters and a new dream sink. We bargain shopped our butts off! It was so fun! We have a budget of seven thousand dollars to remove the mold and remodel the kitchen and with all my hunting, I think we'll be able to do it. One thing I've always hated about our kitchen is our stupid sink. It's a shallow, divided sink that pans don't fit flat in. I've dreamed of a stainless steel undivided sink that a big pan can soak in while I watch The Nate Berkus Show and eat peanut butter cups all day. I almost died of sticker shock when I found my dream sink at Lowe's for $380 plus tax. Sinks are expensive! I found my dream sink for less than half that price online at (no tax and free shipping, too!). That's almost the price of the Nook Color I've been wanting. Or our current gas bill. Either way, such a bargain.
Put your iPhone to work. Don't be afraid to use your Google or Redlaser apps while you are standing shell-shocked in the aisles of your favorite home store.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.