So, on to Renegade. The people in the etsy booth were really nice, outgoing, and fun. That was pretty much the only booth where the people were energetic and fun (except for one t-shirt booth that I feel bad I forgot the name of). The people in the Urban Craft Center booth were lifeless and aloof. There was a lot of really good jewelry with really good displays and the jewelry designers seemed busier than everyone else even though nobody seemed to be buying much of anything. There was beautiful pottery! The paper arts stuff was all the same thing done to death. Clip art owls, water towers, and birds on telephone wires on everything. EVERYTHING. There were way too many people using old typewriters to display their items. Owls and typewriters! I don't get what is so renegade about these things. If there were not enough owls to buy, you could pose in an owl cut out and have your photo taken near the band. Many of the artists sat in their booths working on their projects while people browsed. Many of the artists were tattooed, had piercings, or dreadlocks. Of course, they worse scarves and it was 95 degrees out. They looked like they belonged with the art quilts. Average age of the Renegades= Hipster.
My overall thought is that grandmas made really cool art and hipsters
made art I thought was made by grandmas. The Renegade craft people
should give the grandmas makeovers and do a fair with them. Everything was backwards. Nobody looked like the art they made.The Quilt
Festival won.
My second overall thought is that right now stores have better stuff than the indie-craft fair did. The stores are also catering to a market of adults who like things made for adults. Little drawings of girls dressed as penguins holding umbrellas just don't seem popular with people over forty.
My third overall thought is that if you take your dog to an out door craft fair, don't. Dog poop smell on a hot day is bad at a craft fair. It's bad any day but come on, it's not nice to do to the crafters/artists who have to sit there all day after you don't pick up after your dog. Also, when people are looking at stuff in a booth at eye level they don't expect a dog to be at their feet and could accidentally kick your dog. Why would you want your dog to be stuck in a crowd of people?
*A bad photo of the cool Clorox bottle display
*A bad photo (so I made it really small so you can't really see it) of me and my new BFF Alisa- see we both wear those rolly up sleeve shirts! I love that it's a bad photo because my friend who took it had never used an iPhone camera before and that was funny.
* Way too many owls.
*Way too many typewriters.
*We are real renegades. We rode the trolley at The Americana while trying (many times) to get a decent iPhone photo of us on the trolley. I'm so losing my street cred. That trolley is fun. It would be even funner with an ice cream cone. It's free, ride it!
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.