So when my husband is finally recovered from his shoulder ordeal he gets to start searching for a new job! YAY! I hope Justified will be looking for a Grip because I just love Timothy Olyphant! I'd even be willing to drive my husband to work if he's on that show!
Tiny Buddha posted 5 Tips For The Unemployed (and 15 Tips To Support Them) so I had to look and see if any of them involved refilling all your Ambien prescriptions before your medical insurance is gone.
There are some very good suggestions, especially about keeping routines, staying open to possibilities, and inviting your friends to do free activities. I am not sure sending your friend a list of all the things you value about them will make them want to attend free activities with you, though. That one thing was lame. I would think my friend lost her mind if she did that, especially if I were a man.
I know many other people are unemployed or have unemployed friends or relatives (or just have spouses home for some reason) and I have a few things you should keep in mind if your friend or your friend's spouse is unemployed:
1. Remember, their spouse is always home now. When you call to ask them how it's going they are always going to say fine because they can't really talk since they are not alone.
2. Don't get offended when it takes forever for your friend to call/email/text you back. It's hard to do all the normal daily things you have to do on top of having at spouse home, too. It's not about you.
3. If you have free time, offer to help with the gardening, cooking, cleaning, or babysitting so that the one who might be working harder to compensate for the lost income can get a little break. Fifteen minutes of peace and quiet can make a huge difference in someone's day.
4. Never- ever-ever say "God only gives you what you can handle" or "what doesn't break you only makes you stronger" to a person who is facing foreclosure, job loss, or a mountain or medical bills or you will be the next one in the hospital.
5. Share your good news! We all like to hear good news, even when life sucks. We'd delight in your good news if we ever had time to call you back, that is.
Does anyone have any good news?
*Tree In The Clouds prints are available in my shop.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.