~My boyfriend Joe totally gets my love of white rice. He's giving me more (for a change). The packets of rice in the boxes of frozen baggies of rice are now 14 ounces instead of 10 ounces. I am not sure if the price changed because I only noticed as I was pouring the rice into our bowls for dinner. MORE RICE!
~Nordstrom Personal Stylist service: no time to shop for flattering clothes in your budget and color scheme? Nordstrom's personal stylist really WILL pick out a big room full of cool clothes for you!
~Green Jasmine tea from Teas' Tea. It's the only bottled jasmine tea I have ever liked. There's no gross fake jasmine taste and it's so refreshing and good (and unsweetened). I am totally addicted to it. I got it at Whole Foods in the 2L bottle. It's really jasminey! Karen would hate it.
~My herb garden is still a garden and not a pot of mud and dried herbs.
~I'm slowly starting to put some original art on canvas from various commercial and commissioned projects in my etsy shop. More details on those projects will come soon. I say slowly because a lot of the pieces are big and it's taking a while to figure out how to package and ship them in the most economical way. The smaller pieces are going up first.
~The season finale of Modern Family. If you haven't seen it yet, it must be online or OnDemand on cable. For sure watch it before you take your family photo for your holiday cards.
Our BĂȘtes Noires:
~It was bad enough when gum manufacturers started making tri-fold, ridiculous packaging; now they have added weird tasting gum, like Stride's "Mega mystery" (grapefruit grossness). You need 4 hands to open the pack while driving, another 2 to unwrap the piece of gum, then you just have to spit it out since it tastes awful.
~ Bare Minerals foundation. The container of foundation is now smaller (compared to years ago) yet the price remains the same.
~If my kids get one more school project assignment (one more diorama, "authentic" Medieval meal, build-your-own working riverboat, multi-media presentation of life in the Renaissance, quilt depicting Amerigo Vespucci's life, iMovie version of Macbeth as a superhero comedy, etc.) no teacher layoffs will be necessary.
~Pretzel M&Ms. The pretzel pieces are too hard and it feels like you are biting on what you think might be a broken tooth. AAAAH!The Crispy M&Ms were way better. Get the Pretzel Bark from Trader Joe's instead.
~The Lost finale and entire last season.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.