~I take back any time I ever yelled sell out! When I heard a song by a popular band being used to sell an item in a commercial. I now know that licensing is not an easy task at all and that selling out is way harder than it seems. I hope all my favorite singers and songwriters made lots of money and were able to pay their bills. Also, it's not selling out. It's just doing business.
~I take back the time I accidentally ordered baby cow parts for me and Karen for dinner because I thought sweetbreads were really sweet bread. It was really funny, though.
~I take back any time I complained (too much) about the bad ending of any book or movie.
~I take back all those hours of my life spent in the tanning bed even though I looked really good and felt great.
~I take back all those times I thought I was fat when I wasn't. How stupid.
~I take back all the times I didn't order the pecan pie because I was clueless.
~I take back that one year I didn't vote in our local election because I couldn't get my vcr timer to work and I didn't want to miss General Hospital.
~I take back the time I tried to kill a bee on our kitchen window by hitting it with a broom. The window broke and the bee flew out. Again, really funny but so stupid (it was near the time I couldn't get the vcr to work).
~I take back the hours of my life lost to a Steve Winwood concert even though it was very funny to look over and see Karen sound asleep. We learned that night that noise really won't keep you awake if you are bored. So maybe it wasn't a total waste of time. A lesson was learned.
~I take back ever getting mad at slow drivers. It's a scary world, I get it. I hate to drive, too. Just stay in the right lane so you don't cause an accident.
~I take back that time I accidentally killed that frog in my garage! I didn't mean to! It was suicidal and jumped behind my car as I backed out. Forgive me, Froggy.
~I take back eating cookies for every meal even though it happened as recently as today. Like I said, I'll probably have my period, too.
~I take back any time people thought I wasn't listening. I really was.
~I take back any time I ever gave anyone bad directions. I am not the seester who can read a map yet strangers always come up to me and ask how to get places. Yikes. So sorry, strangers.
~I take back some of the times I got mad when people didn't say thanks. I am currently suffering from Oh my Buddha, did I send them a thank you note or not? I think I did, but what if I didn't? If I send another one, they will think I am crazy... so I get that sometimes that happens. If I haven't sent you a thank you card or email, it's either on the way or that suffering is about you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
***The Urban Buddha: Namaste print is new and available for a limited time in my shop.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.