~Chris Pureka's new CD, How I Learned To See In The Dark. You must listen to it 7 times and then you will be hooked. Not even hooked, addicted. I can't stop listening. My favorites are Wrecking Ball, Shipwrecked, Broken Clock, and Lowlands. You can hear them all on her myspace page right now. Someone needs to tell Chris Isaak that he needs to do a duet with Chris Pureka.
~A few lovely days of sunshine and a garden full of blooming flowers.
~J.R. Watkins Lemon Cream lotion. A little bit goes a long way. If you use too much the lemon WILL be barfy. A little on your dry hands is all you need and that little bit is refreshing. And by too much I mean all over your body.
~The Missing Link feline formula vitamin powder you put on your cat's food. It cured Suki's dry skin in days and she didn't even notice it was on her food.
~Planning an adventure.
~I found the Niman Ranch Applewood bacon at My Boyfriend Trader Joe's that was mentioned in the Cooking Light article we mentioned earlier. Oh my Buddha! It's good.
Our BĂȘtes Noires:
~ There are some really good videos of Chris Pureka singing her new songs live on YouTube but in every video there's someone coughing. That totally ruins it. If you are sick, stay home. You ruin the youtube experience for the rest of us. Yes, I do believe I have complained about this before but it's still happening. Listen to the coughers here and here .
~Dishes that can't go in the dishwasher.
~I'm apparently giving off an I'm Free For The Taking Vibe. Or maybe it's an I Believe Bullshit Vibe. I can't tell, yet. What herb do you burn to get rid of either of those?
~A flaky cat. I forgot to add that to the list of things that would gross me out before we got a cat.
~Mosquitoes and spiders everywhere.
*Prints of A GOOD START are available in my shop.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.