The other day Pioneer Woman had a really funny blog post about the right and the gross way to make cinnamon toast. Her right way looked amazing with a beautiful concoction of cinnamon sugar-vanilla-butter and involved turning the oven on. Her gross way is the way most of us involved in a discussion about it on twitter still make it. Toast your bread in the toaster, spread a thin layer of butter on the warm bread, sprinkle on some cinnamon sugar, then eat ten pieces.
Ever since I read that post about cinnamon toast, it's all I have wanted with my brown bag of popcorn. I do believe you can survive happily on a diet of cinnamon toast and popcorn, even if both are made the gross way. I have now perfected my popcorn in the lunch bag technique. Except for one time I didn't notice a hole in the bag (The Great Popcorn Incident of 2010), each batch has turned out perfectly. And by each batch I mean each meal.
I am so happy.
How's your popcorn turning out?
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