We have about 2 weeks to finish working on this and since I like to
wait until the last minute to do everything, I am now really busy. So
of course this is also the time my husband ordered a big garbage bin be
delivered to our house for the remains of a fence and whatever else I
want to toss in there. Oh how tempting! I don't even have a lot of
stuff I need to toss but the fact that I CAN toss it makes me want to
just run through my house grabbing stuff to dump in the bin.
I know all the shows tell you to make piles to separate the donations from what you are really tossing but have you tried to donate anything lately? Pretty much the only thing donation centers will take are Lucky Jeans NEW WITH TAG, dishes still in the box, and unopened video games. You also won't get a tax deductible receipt for these items anymore. Nobody wants anything they can't resell on ebay. Donating stuff is just too damn much work. Unless a friend wants it, it's easier to toss all your stuff in the bin you are paying for and hope the Recycle Fairy at the other end sorts through your stuff and sends your old stretched out clothes to Mexico. Who really has time to drive around with 6 bags of crap in their trunk trying to find a place that will take it? That can't be good for the environment and it ends up costing money in gas and multiple trips to Starbucks. So yeah, I am tossing it all, without guilt.
All this purging feels good.
I know all the shows tell you to make piles to separate the donations from what you are really tossing but have you tried to donate anything lately? Pretty much the only thing donation centers will take are Lucky Jeans NEW WITH TAG, dishes still in the box, and unopened video games. You also won't get a tax deductible receipt for these items anymore. Nobody wants anything they can't resell on ebay. Donating stuff is just too damn much work. Unless a friend wants it, it's easier to toss all your stuff in the bin you are paying for and hope the Recycle Fairy at the other end sorts through your stuff and sends your old stretched out clothes to Mexico. Who really has time to drive around with 6 bags of crap in their trunk trying to find a place that will take it? That can't be good for the environment and it ends up costing money in gas and multiple trips to Starbucks. So yeah, I am tossing it all, without guilt.
All this purging feels good.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.