The other day I was listening to the radio and they had this report
about swine flu. I was sort of interested and sort of
not because I
think I have only ever gotten the flu a couple times in my entire life.
We both only ever get really bad strep throat and sinus infections and
we get those regularly. I have never gotten a flu shot and was pretty
convinced I'd not get the swine flu shot, too. The announcer sounded
very excited about her next bit of reporting with NEW DETAILS!!! She
had statistics that show that women do a much better job than men do
of washing their hands, covering their mouths when they cough and
sneeze,and in general not being gross. Even though Karen was not in
the car with me when I heard that report, I gave her
the look. Well,
duh. Even the cleanest man is gross. Have you ever lifted up the toilet seat where a man has peed? There is always pee
on the seat. Always. Have you ever been in a waiting room anywhere full
of mostly men? The sounds you hear will prevent you from eating ever
I am not going to get a swine flu shot. I am just going to avoid men.
*Photo by Dustin Woods