There's a feature interview with me on the Aaron Brothers page at facebook. It is viewable if you don't have facebook (yay!), but if you are a member of facebook, please do comment on it there. You will see my curse is continuing because the interview is with an S-less Linda Woods. Ah! A good sign indeed. Here it is.
The only available copies of Visual Chronicles available in the entire world are what you see in stores or what we have. The publisher is all out of books and will not be printing more. I have some for sale in my etsy shop (signed by me and Karen, the S is free) and some in the back room (I'm only listing 5 at a time). If you want Visual Chronicles and see it in stores or want a signed copy, buy it while you can. Here is my shop. Journal Revolution is still in print and I do have signed copies of that in my shop as well.
Mercury is in Retrograde this weekend until the end of the month! Drive carefully, back up your computers, be cautious, expect men to act like they have worse PMS than we do.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.