Every few hours I take a break from working on the thing we will be talking a lot about very soon to visit Procrastination City. It's one of my favorite places. I get a lot done while I am there. Ever since I started watching Hoarders, the a lot done involves looking at stuff and asking myself if I really need it, love it, want it. There's a little STOP BEING ANNOYED zone in Procrastination City where you just fix all the stuff that has annoyed you about your house since you bought it ten years ago. The STOP BEING ANNOYED zone is a double whammy if you have the memory of Hoarders still fresh in your mind.
All the overstuffed dead pen bins in my house annoy me. Do I really need all those dead pens? There's only one alive pen in that whole bunch yet I keep grabbing the dead one when I need a pen in a hurry and end up scraping my finger on the emery boards which shouldn't even be in there.
There are now only alive pens and scissors in this bin. I am not a dead pen hoarder.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.