Today We're FEELIN' GROOVY about:
~Eating lemon bars while I work
~The scene in ER when Carter told Tina Turner he came back for her kidney. So funny!
~Now that the house next to us is vacant, I don't feel bad about blasting music all day with the window open. Ok, I don't feel bad blasting the same three songs all day since I have song OCD.
~The fake Housewives of OC confessing! Oooh! Did you see that jealous bitch Tamra thinking she was totally getting Gretchen in trouble but nobody ended up hating Gretchen, they just ended up hating Tamra? As we'd say in the 80's, FACE ON YOU, TAM! Gretchen's stalker/old friend story did have some holes in it, but so what? She was nice to the old guy and he was soooo boring that the only way he was able to get all those wives was to pay them, is my guess. I loved it when the women were saying they dressed classy. Uh, no.
~Chris Isaak finally has a new cd and it's good!
~Only one more day until March. HELLO MARCH! In 16 days Karen will be 45. In 30 days, I will be 40. We are declaring this LET US EAT CAKE month. We're taste testing daily. Funny how we still think we're 23.
~Carrie. If you aren't reading my facebook, you're missing some funny comments by her.
Our BĂȘtes Noires:
~People very confidently saying "I can care less" when they mean they don't care at all. The saying is I can NOT care less. If you can care less it means you DO care some. It especially bugs me when I am listening to Single Ladies and I hear this:
I can care less what you think
I need no permission, did I mention
Don't pay him any attention
Cuz you've had your turn
And now you gone learn
What it really feels like to miss me
It's a shame because I love that song but I cringe when I hear that part and start screaming NOT-NOT-NOT!
~People (who I wasn't even ever that close to) who haven't heard from me in a while (sometimes years) keep calling me or sending me pissy letters saying they just really want to know how I am but they haven't heard from me in ages. WTF? Google me. I have a blog, twitter, and facebook and I update what I am doing in at least one of those places every hour. If you can't find me, don't get mad at me because you don't know how to connect to the internet. How come people who have never met me know exactly what I am doing yet people who do know me can't seem to figure out how to navigate the internet?
~Nobody seems to know how to react to a stop sign in the parking lot where Starbucks and Chipotle are. Stop means STOP your damn car before you hit me or make me slam on my breaks which makes my green tea jump out of the holder and spill all over the dashboard.
~I still don't like facebook. Why doesn't everyone just twitter instead? Now that all the celebs are twittering, maybe everyone else will too.
~We're both grumpy, irritable, headachey and suddenly totally dried out like we took lots of benadryl but we didn't. Did multiple mammograms in a short time span ruin us? Or, are we allergic to something?
What songs are you loving right now?
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.