Today We're FEELIN' GROOVY about:
~Karen finally got an iPhone! No more Treo crashes! No more dropped calls! No more misery! Hello iLIFE!
~The new flowers my gardener planted bloomed and did not die in the freezing temps this week. I love these pretty flowers. Does anyone know what they are?
~My gardener told me tonight that he's not going to come next week because he wants to take the week off. He laughed and said he wants to try spending a day in bed watching tv to see how that is. Buddy, I totally get ya. In honor of Ignacio, I think we should all do that one day next week.
~Friends who laugh with us even when others think we should be crying.
~My husband's cancer shoulder surgery was a success! No more bad cells. But still, that shoulder will now always be called Cancer Shoulder and I will forever have a bottle of SPF 5000 Anti-Melanoma sunscreen with me. I think I might need a bigger purse.
~Karen's son turned 12 today and got a surprise one-day job on a big TV show! When it is on, we'll tell you.
~Being less busty finally paid off for Karen! She's not a candidate for the biopsy that squishes the bejesus* out of you and gets to have the surgery that requires drugs.
We don't have more info yet on when that will be and will post info
when we know it. If that damn doctor had called back, we could tell you
the answers! We appreciate all the emails and I regret that I haven't had a chance to respond to each one. THANK YOU!
Our BĂȘtes Noires:
~My husband has to go get cancer shoulder restitched tomorrow morning before the family gathering because his incision is totally gross and not healing at all.
~I do not like Karen's doctor. He never called today with the results of her biopsy so now we must wait until Monday. He should make it up to us by giving out many refills on whatever drugs we want.
~Everyone hating Nancy Grace. We love her. If she had a show on the Food Network, based on appearance and accent, I'd say she makes a damn fine pecan pie. If your kid or grandkid gets kidnapped or murdered, you wouldn't want to get your case on her show?! I would. She always says exactly what we're thinking, even when she is interrupting the guests. I especially LOVE it when she has Mark Klaas on. If you hate Nancy Grace, go read our friend Jane Devin's blog.
~The menu created by the couple who tried living on $1 per person per day for food for a month. I think it was a very cool experiment but having lived as poor people and poor college students I think they don't really get what it is like to be poor. The veal substitute made me gag. They had a rule that they wouldn't accept free food unless it was available to all as in everyone on the planet (I could be wrong but I think that is what it was). LAME. When we were in college and surviving on loose change, we always accepted invites to parties where there would be food so we wouldn't have to buy food. Isn't that what people do when they have no extra money? These people avoided catered meetings. And when students baked them cookies, they didn't accept them. WTF? Also, this couple is vegan. It's hard to eat cheap when you are vegan. Most people are not vegan so I don't know how realistic their plan was. And, based on their rules, I think this couple just likes weird rules. Karen and I could live on $1 per day easily because we are weirdos who have no problem eating 99 cent noodles with parmesan cheese all day long, every day. I may have to devote an entire post to this topic.
~The new typepad. Still too slow.
*The other day on twitter, Karen asked:
Mammography lady says this biopsy will
'squeeze the bejesus outta you.' What if I haven't got Jesus? Will
Woody Allen pop out? Streisand?
What do you think? What pops out? I'm thinking the Jazz Singer might pop out singing Holly Holy!