We are back from San Francisco and I know I say this every time I come back, but I love that place. I want to eat it and drink it and sleep all over it. San Francisco still gets so excited about books, art, food and life. It's a celebration that is contagious.Though, someone needs to tell San Francisco that the election is over. They can take down all the Vote for Obama signs. Obama won! They could replace those signs with DO NOT PEE HERE. This year I saw more people urinating on the street or sidewalk than ever before. I am not even talking about homeless people. I get that most stores and restaurants in SF only let paying customers use their bathrooms, but if you look like a tourist, just pop in into a hotel! There are bathrooms in the lobbies. Really, there is no need to pee all over a city. It's just gross. Some other things I noticed while we were in the City:
~I can't escape balls. They do add a bit of cheer to life so I am glad I see them everywhere!
~People really are not buying anything. We saw very few people walking around with shopping bags.
~Homeless people approach women to ask for money more than they approach men.
~Lots of people littering. This is totally unacceptable. Use a garbage can! WTF?
~Lots of young people smoking. This is beyond me. I have a lot of friends who smoke and that scares me (but they aren't twenty years old anymore). I don't understand why anyone today still smokes or why anyone would start. Who wants cancer? I really do not understand smoking in a huge crowd of people where everyone is standing so close together that you can feel the heart beating of the person next to you. You know those crowd smokers would be the first ones to complain if you sprayed heavy perfume on while standing next to them, too. I did notice that a lot of the smokers were European and that locals would cough really loud as smokers walked by. Coughing: it's the new symbol of protest!
~I love watching people take photos. Everyone in SF was taking photos of everything and asking each other to take photos of them with their friends. Even joggers were stopping to take photos! Not once was I ever asked to stop taking photos. San Francisco, will you marry me?
~I had the same conversation about art and cameras too many times in two days. Many people told me if they had a nicer camera they'd be a better artist. Well that is just about the silliest thing I have ever heard and that is what I told them. The only art supply that matters is the one in your head. It's not like the art masters had the finest Canon digital cameras! Use your hands, use your eyes, use your imagination!
~Things I remember from my childhood about San Francisco are still the same and still inspire me in the same ways they did 25 years ago.
~People get way too excited over the Christmas tree in Union Square. It's not even decorated that great. The one at Pier 39 is cuter! The Union Square tree was for sure not worth standing around 2 hours waiting for it to be lit up. Soooo anti-climactic. You should always trust the Jewish girls on matters related to Christmas trees.
I'll be uploading more of my San Francisco photos in the next few days and will link to them.
I am thrilled to be an Honorary Gutter Girl this week! My mission was to create some art about my favorite four letter word. Go take a look and be inspired by the art of the Gutter Girlz.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.