Getting caught up: The night before I left for Northern California, my husband and I went to see Lukas Rossi and Stars Down at The Viper Room. That man can sing. Someone smuggled a camera in to the Viper Room and caught his very cool version of Here Comes The Rain Again. I love that song. I am so glad I got to meet Lukas and his lovely wife, Kendra, while my favorite men from House of Glamma were in town working their magic. What a cool couple! Both couples, that is!
Now, about the Viper Room: GROSS. Read the reviews here. I am just glad I didn't take my camera there because I would've had to boil it it to get the sweat of strangers off it. I'm still trying to get the sweat of strangers off me and it has been days.
Because I am me and that means time is never really on my side, the thing with the thing happened to be happening* while Jake and Kev were here so I had to sleep only a few hours after the Stars Down concert then make my way to No Cal for some photo shoots that didn't exactly happen as I planned but some other ones that did even better as well as some spontaneous fun in a cherry field and some serious fun with Maria and Beth, two of my favorite shooters, and an unexpected lunch date with Perfect Friend Terry and her Perfect Kids. There is never enough time to spend with them and I am grateful for each second, which is exactly the same feeling I was having last night. That damn Time Fairy has not made a deposit yet! The Brandi Carlile concert did happen and I am still happy about that night. I am pretty sure Maria and I will be talking about that one for the rest of our lives. I could still talk about it right now but I suspect you all might be sick of it already. Maria and I aren't sick of it, yet! In fact, I am going to stop writing this right now so I can go look at my pictures again while listening to her amazing version of Creep from that night. Yes, I am still 15.
Now that we are sort of caught up on what I have been doing (ok, not really. I left out a lot of stuff because I want to watch that Creep video again), let's get to what matters. I heard from the Yummie Tummie people about products for those of us who are blessed.
are currently making adjustments to our patterns so that our tanks and tees will
comfortable fit larger bust sizes. I have saved your information and will
let you know as soon as we have a better fitting style for you.
OK! As soon as I get the word, YOU will get the word. Until then, I guess we will just have to be rolly poly.
*Sorry, can't talk about it yet.
Photo: Maria and I stayed in a really nice hotel for a change!