Thanks to all your advice on the whole new phone thing, I am now the happy owner of an iphone and after only 2 days, am a total speed texter. One day after I got my iphone, Karen's Treo died a quick death and she lost all her data and contacts and she is in a very bad mood. She's sure it's because she dissed her own Treo right here on our blog. A giant rock also smashed her windshield, so I am thinking Mercury just went retro just for her.
Thanks so much for all your birthday love and for sharing your lunch and wishes with us. We love reading all your comments. I still haven't had any birthday cake yet but I am planning on it. I have, however, put all your names in a bag and pulled out a winner: MELANIE W. and her club panini!!! Ooooh, I could go for a panini! It is lunch time right now and I am having buttered matzo (and getting crumbs everywhere) with a diet coke as I type this and Karen is at her desk having a Tassimo-made latte, flavored with her special mix of Coffee Mate Hazelnut, Chai and Vanilla Caramel creamers, and a Pria Chocolate Mint protein bar.
We are all over the internet today! I am honored to be the guest designer at Creative Therapy this week. Click over to see what I created with their prompt The Best Part Of Your Day. The icing on the cake there is that they are giving away a copy of Visual Chronicles. Too cool!
Karen and I are thrilled to be interviewed at! This was a really fun interview with Rachel and the fun isn't ending with the interview. Check back there tomorrow for an art challenge from me! YES! A challenge and some new samples. And there is even more icing there, the Tally Scrappers are giving away a copy of Journal Revolution to a lucky journal challenge participant. WOW!
Thanks to Creative Therapy and TallyScrapper for being NICE!!!!
I have a new print in my shop. I have some new art on canvas drying right now. There will be original art for sale in the next few days...fair warning!*
*I got in trouble last time for not giving enough warning. You have been warned.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.