Today We're FEELIN' GROOVY about:
~It's an absolutely gorgeous day here in Southern California. The sun is shining!
~Everything in my garden is blooming
~Coffee Crisps and other treats in my mailbox!
~Reading what you all had for lunch. So fun! We'll announce a winner this weekend.
~The non-Disney song won the Oscar! I am so glad those two won! I know I am late with this comment but I am finally getting caught up on my tivod shows. And, I was so happy to see OLIVE from Pushing Daisies singing!!! I can't wait for that show to come back.
~I got everything mailed off to our accountant and can once again see our dining room table.
~Tomorrow starts the month of birthday celebrations!! Cake and wishes for 31 days.
Our BĂȘtes Noires:
~Sugar-free Red Bull and Rock Star are not as good as my beloved Tab Energy was. They both remind me too much of baby aspirin mixed with 7-Up.Just typing that made me gag. I'm still trying all of your other suggestions, thank you! Next up: Steaz Energy.
~The first doctor Karen went to about her toe was full of crap and gave her a wrong diagnosis based on bad xrays and it turns out her foot is worse than one silly broken toe, according to her new doctor who doesn't seem to be a dumb ass. [People telling us one thing when something totally different is about to happen seems to happen to us a lot lately. Insert sarcastic font here] Poor Karen is now in a new boot cast. This one doesn't quack when she walks so it's less funny.
~Why wasn't my boyfriend, Eddie, nominated for an Oscar for the Into The Wild soundtrack? It's one of the best soundtracks EVER.
~One of us forgot her camera when she stopped at the Farmers Market today while the other one of us was busy rushing to get stuff to the accountant. Too bad that boot cast thing doesn't come with a little camera attachment!
The Rev It Up List has been updated..artists, scrapbookers, and zines!
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.