Tomorrow is the beginning of Journal Revolution month over at the Reading Room (did we mention that it is FREE?). We're really excited that our book was selected and we're really excited to see what people will be inspired to create and discuss. And because we are really real, I am going to say I am really nervous. It's hard to go into a room where everyone is talking about your book, especially when that book is illustrated with pieces of your life. And, it is hard to go to a place where there seems to be a need to clearly define what is and isn't scrapbooking. I hope people will see that art is art no matter what you call it and that art and creative self expression in all forms can exist in complete harmony with scrapbooking, no matter what type of glue you use!
I'm feeling extra pensive lately because change is in the air. A few weeks ago, we made some new life rules (we'll post them soon) and as soon as we did, life sent us rewards. New publishers started romancing us with press releases (the way to win us), reporters wanted to interview us, producers wanted our books, my weird thing about selling my original art ended...and it started happening all over again. I am not even sure what it is but when it started happening I knew it was it. I don't know what we want to do. I don't know that we want to do anything. I do know that I am thankful for the never ending help and support of the amazing WENDY BRICKMAN. If you ever need to hire a marketing guru, hire her. She's really good at telling you when you're being smart and when you're being an idiot. That is really important in your team of people who support you in life! Our Wendy also has a wonderful blog full of the advice we love her for. Wendy also loves bagpipes. It's good to have a marketing person who loves quirky stuff because you know she'll get it when YOU love quirky stuff.
We are also so thankful for all the people who are helping spread the word about Journal Revolution. Thank you SO MUCH bloggers!!!!
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.