~I have new prints in my etsy shop!
Wouldn't it just rock and roll if liking someone meant they had to like
you back? Of course that'd be a different universe and something else
would probably suck.
~Olive on Pushing Daisies
If you are not watching Pushing Daisies, you should be! I hate to say this, but you can see full episodes of it here. You can then send the writers of the episodes each 4 cents, please.
~It was pouring rain here today, for a nice change. Dustin and I were on our way to lunch when a big truck in front of us turned the corner and a big tool box fell off of it in the center of a busy intersection. Dustin being Dustin (a typical Volvo owner: Safety FIRST!) , dashed out of our car and picked up the (wet, muddy and full) tool box and tossed it into our car so no other cars would get hurt. We then followed the big truck to a construction site where Dustin happily gave the driver the tool box he dropped and the driver could not have cared less. He barely even said thanks! What the hell is wrong with people? I know we aren't supposed to expect applause for doing nice things but really, if your tool box of expensive tools falls off your truck in the pouring rain and the people who pick it up for you follow you to give it back, SAY THANK YOU! Sheesh.
~There's been lots of art activity in the Art Army Flickr group. Do have a look! Do join! It is FREE! We are loving that there's such a wide variety of art being made. Also, there are new Art Army blogger links. If you have blogged about Journal Revolution or Visual Chronicles, don't forget to email us a link so we can add your blog, too. And don't forget to get a banner for your blog! If you have blogged about our books or our blog and you are too shy to email us about it, don't be! There's no need to be shy with US! We'd feel really bad if you made art and wanted us to see it but we didn't know about it. Sometimes we do get google alerts when the words JOURNAL REVOLUTION appear in a blog but I get all nervous before I click on links in the alert in case it is one of those people who hates us complaining about us liking cookies and purses and befriending lesbians and people who use glue stick, so I don't always click.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.