We just love the people at typepad. They fixed the error and now our mystery sister, Nancy, has left the building. This is the first time ever my name has been fixed to be right! Is the tide turning? We kind of hope not because then life would be way less funny and surprising. Thank you, typepad people.
Karen and I are often confused with each other, not just in press. It happens in our family, too. Our grandfather, Poppa Cy, was deaf. He read lips very well but you really had to be right in front of him while speaking and even then, you'd have to repeat yourself a few times. Some voices he heard better than others. He could hear our brothers and Karen very well but he couldn't really hear me. I see now that many people we grew up with had a hard time hearing things and it wasn't because they were deaf- though he certainly was. We didn't live near Poppa Cy, though we saw him often on holidays. His secretary would write letters to us on his behalf and we'd write to him often. Phone calls were difficult because back then they didn't have great phone services for the hard of hearing. When we did speak on the phone, we really had to YELL. I am pretty sure his secretary was at his side repeating what we'd say or would write it down for him. I am also pretty sure his secretary was performing other duties for him that secured her a good spot in his will. Perhaps Nancy is our secret cousin. So, one day Poppa Cy got some new hearing aides and a new phone and he could hear his callers better. I'd always felt like we never had good conversations and I really wanted to have one with him before he died. I called him and we chatted for about half an hour about life and the furniture business (it was his passion) and everything. I was so happy. As the call ended, he said, "Thanks for calling. I love you. And tell your sister, Linda, I said HELLO!"
So while we still have some of the typepad spotlight, we want to shine it on some other typepad blogs by friends. Our college roommate, Julie, has finally gotten her blog, RANTIDOTE, up and running. She's got a lot to say about politics. She's got good things to say about life, too...she just hasn't blogged those yet.
Kimberly Kwan IS a scrapbooker, a great photographer, she loves pink and she swears really good, but not in her blog. Perhaps she wouldn't want us to tell you that, but what the hell. She's cool. I wish people would out me as a swearer so I could do it more. Carol Wingert and Tena Sprenger are fab artists who look like us and we love them. Thanks to Carol, I get room service at every hotel I go to. Both of our brothers are also on typepad. Visit Tod Goldberg and Lee Goldberg at your own risk. One of them is bound to offend you or make you fall off your chair laughing. Tod could make a sailor blush.
For other blogs we love and frequent, visit the list down there on the right side.