Last week was the first trip we've taken where we didn't bring a journal. HOW WEIRD! We always have a trip journal. Actually, I did have a journal with us, but we never wrote in it. I just stuck stuff on the pages (important stuff like receipts, wrappers and tags which all tell a story).
A few of the things we loved and laughed about on our adventure:
1. We realized that another way Karen and I are opposite is she prefers her sandwiches toasted and I prefer mine not toasted. And, both Karen and her daughter, Emily, thought the Passion Iced Tea at Starbucks was gross and I liked it.
2. In honor of me dearest friend, Sujata, we lived it up by having macaroni and cheese at the Nordstrom cafe in Seattle after finding jeans that fit both of us and some cool red shoes. Sujata was right! The Nordstrom Mac N Cheese was perfect! Their version of the 7 Layer bar isn't very good so stick with the cheese cake or giant coconut macaroons if you go there. If you are curvy or short and curvy, try the Not Your Daughters Jeans. If you are skinny and want to look curvier, try the David Kahn jeans (tho you can find them cheaper than at Nordies) . If you like cool, comfy, colorful shoes, get some TOMS. Be warned, the TOMS shoes run half a size too small. Further warning: if you eat lots of the Mac N Cheese at the cafe, your new jeans will feel a half size too small.
3. People who live in yellow houses in Seattle are paranoid wackos. Yes, I base this broad judgment on only one experience. We were driving around Madison Park on the way to visit Nana when we noticed many yellow houses. Many perfect yellow houses. Of course I had to take photos so I could stand at the paint counter at Home Depot trying to match the paint swatches to my photos. One of the perfect yellow (very little) houses was the type with a "private property" sign, gated entry, triple bolted front doors and as I soon found out, an owner who just sits in her house waiting for artists to come by with a camera. I very quickly (in the pouring rain) stood at the front gate and took a photo and as I turned around to walk back to the car the front door swung open and the owner was screaming, " Can I help you? What do you WANT?" I responded that I just wanted a picture of her house because I love the shade of yellow she used and am searching for a yellow for my own house. People are so weird about what other people take pictures of. I plan on having cookies on a plate and lemonade in my fridge for all the people who will soon be standing in my front yard taking pictures of my cute yellow house! Here's the house with the paranoid owner. A picture of her house on the internet is probably her worst fear.