Today We're FEELIN' GROOVY about:
~The Amazing Race is back on!
~Art journalers have found their giving groove! Look at that number rising!
~Shop Smart magazine from Consumer Reports. The writing style is really fun and funny. And, their review of which 100 calorie snack foods are good was exactly what we would've said.
~Snow Patrol's version of You Will. You Will. You Will.
~Karen's 12 year old daughter took the SAT to qualify for various "gifted" summer programs. She scored *700* on the math section, *690* on writing and *640* on critical reading. YAY! to brave homeschoolers doin' it their way, and "FACE!" to those who say 12 year old girls can do only pre-algebra and are not "ready" for advanced math!
Our Bêtes Noires
~The worst ever parking/planning situation in a very bad neighborhood for Barack Obama's rally. Sheesh. Barockstar Obama, you will not win voters over if they can't park anywhere. Don't invite people to your rally in a place you can get to only by car, then give them nowhere to park. A churro cart wou'dve been good, too. Every event needs a churro cart.
~Achy hands
~New neighbors with a dog that never stops barking. Though, I can't complain because once we were the neighbors with dogs that barked at every falling leaf in a 10 mile radius.
~People freaking out about Britney shaving her head. Oh please. Everyone should shave their head at least once so they know how good it feels. The sad thing about Brit isn't that she's bald, it is that she keeps making really dumb decisions that have nothing to do with her hair.
~The biggest "secret" to "The Secret" is that if you call something a secret, you can get lots of people to pay you for it. We wholly support the so-called "secret," mind you, but the secret-ness, or the supposed discovery, is getting quite annoying. Many wise people and artists, for many decades, have taught the secret. Want us to REVEAL it here, for FREE, with no thumping music and no hints at conspiracy to hide it (which are, incidentally, never substantiated)? [note: the use of the word "substantiated" tells you who is really ticked about there not being a secret....]
THE SECRET: You've heard it a million ways: Thought creates form. If you build it, they will come. Whether you think you can, or you think you are right. "The Secret" compiles the wisdom of many, which boils down to this: What you hold in your mind, whether it is fear or faith, love or dread, health or disease, is then created in your physical world. So, think carefully and meaningfully. Do not think "I want..." or "I will..." unless you want to be in a state of "wanting" always. Think "I AM". See yourself, feel yourself, BEING what you desire NOW. Create it in your mind, NOW, and it speeds toward creation in your physical world. As Johnathon Livingston Seagull's teacher said decades ago: "Begin by knowing you have already arrived." It's never been a secret.