That is a photo of me and Karen sweating at a book signing the weekend before last. Take a good look at it. If you've read our book, you know I wear a v-neck t-shirt everyday. In fact, I have this same shirt in 8 colors. It's one of the few shirts that fits me ok. It's really hard for me to find clothes that fit because I am really short and have an abnormally large chest. Me, my big chest and v-neck shirts are an important thing to keep in mind while we discuss a new video-taped interview with us that's getting around.
Back in August when I had that really bad haircut that made me look like Keith Partridge and Chachi's lovechild, we were interviewed for a new dvd. I wanted to do this interview because I really like the people doing this project. I didn't want to do the interview because I really didn't like my hair and I am picky about people not holding the camera high enough and I also was worried about the time when I'd have to talk about this (now). A couple really bad things happened the day of the interview:
1. For some reason I am still not sure about, I wore a bulky denim jacket when it was 90 degrees in the shade
2. Karen did not tell me to take the jacket off
3. The camera was at the same angle photographers for the Enquirer use when taking pictures of Kirstie Alley
4. We were sitting in weird slouchy chairs
5. At one point in the interview I talk about how I like it when salespeople at clothing stores tell you when you look bad or good. Feel free to scream at your tv Linda, you look BAD! when you see it.
6. There was an umbrella pole between us
I took a photo of the dvd playing on my tv just so you can see a blurry version of what I am talking about:
That's me looking like an Oompaloompa and Karen looking cute while we discuss what inspires us. The interview with us is really fun...I just look really bad. It's ok. This is how we learn. And this is the best proof ever of how I am a way better sister to Karen than she is to me. On the way to the interview, I told her she looked bad and made her buy a new outfit. She's wearing the new outfit in the interview. She told me I look cute. Oompaloompas are cute, she will say in her own defense. Despite my oompaloompaness and the fact that I was right about the camera being at the wrong height and in the wrong place ~ which by the way, I did try to point out before the interview but was afraid of being more adamant about it because I didn't want to seem like a total bitch~ we had fun doing the interview and we wish Gloria Page and Karen Landey much success in their endeavors. We learned a lot from this experience.
Sunday, we are doing another on-camera interview and you can be damn sure I will not be wearing a denim jacket.And I'll be standing up. And I won't say um.
If you've got a question for us, ask and we will try to answer it during the interview which we'll show bits of here.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.