When I graduated from college and Karen graduated from Law School, our Nana took us on a month-long tour of Gardens and Castles in Great Britain. One of the places the tour stopped was Sissinghurst Garden, much to the delight of a certain group of women on the tour who breed bitches (really, that's what they said). We loved the gardens, took many photos of colorful flowers, and stood there for a long while taking in the beauty. I knew that this was an amazing place but I didn't know why it was more important than other places of interest on the tour. When we got home, I was watching TV and came across a documentary on Vita Sackville- West and in that moment, knew the extent of what I really missed in the pretty gardens. Had I known then, while I stood amidst the roses, what I know now, the gardens would be even more powerful. We refer to the experience of not fully experiencing something because you didn't really know the whole story as the Sissinghurst Experience.
I keep having the Sissinghurst Experience with people. So, if we had a giant chocolate cream pie (after tasting it to make sure it isn't poisoned) we'd invite these people to share it with us:
Donna Downey: I know, we're so late to this party. We met her briefly at CHA and gave her our book. She was out of her books but said she'd mail them to us. She really DID mail them to us! Oh my! This woman's word means something. We love her. Since the meeting was a Sissinghurst moment, I've had to spend lots of time getting to know her better via her blog. The way she shares what and who inspire her so openly is refreshing. We love an artist who is confident enough in her own skin that she can do that so freely. The dad in To Kill A Mockingbird would be proud of her.
Kathy Cano Murillo: This was another brief encounter at CHA. Once again, luckily for us she has books and a website so we could get to know her better. She is so funny....and fearless! This Crafty Chica inspired us to be Craftier Yentas. We see she'll be teaching at Art Unraveled, too, so we'll stalk her there. Maybe she'll join us at the real live super secret fun thing we're planning while we're there.
Rhonna Farrer: We haven't met her yet and I just discovered her blog about 45 minutes ago. But, she seems like a good one to have at a pie party. Rhonna is so enthusiastic, generous, and encouraging that I just want to hug her. The way she keeps telling people not to steal makes us want to stand on our chairs with fists in the air and act all Norma Rae. Rhonna sistah, keep saying it.
Danny Gregory: Ok, we haven't really met him. One great thing about having a book is that you get to write a dedication and acknowledgment. There's limited space for giving love so when the book came out, I sent copies of it to people who inspired me during many sleepless nights as we waited and waited and waited for our book to hit the stores. Of all the people we don't know that I sent the book to, he was the only one who acknowledged receiving it. AND HE'S A MAN.
Jon Stewart: Yeah, we don't know him, either. But we wouldn't want Danny to be the only man at our pie party, would we? Pie and John Stewart in one room? Oooooh, Baby!
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.