Today We're FEELIN' GROOVY about:
~Finally experiencing a Pizookie (which would've been better less doughy but we ate it anyway)
~A new Neil Diamond CD which hopefully won't end up on the list below
~The new Eminem iPod commercial with the cool graphics that is similar to but better than the Lugz commercial.
~Getting caught up on the newest episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm
Our Bêtes Noires:
~Just as I kick my General Hospital habit Dr. Noah Drake returns!
~Nightmares that make you feel creepy when you wake up
~Kids trick-or-treating while not in a costume. What is up with THAT? I'm not giving any treats* to kids or adults who aren't clever enough to think of a costume on Halloween. If you've got a brown grocery bag and a pencil, you can make a mask at the very least.
Today's Bit of TV Wisdom:That hottie Sheriff Bullock in Deadwood is so wise:
People angry at their difficulties often act like fucking idiots.
*and we all know I'll just be giving treats to the little kids who come around while it is still semi-light out~ before I pretend to not be home when the in-laws come a knockin' (my holiday ritual).
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.