Today We're FEELIN' GROOVY about:
~Everwood is back tonight!
~Getting good deals on hotel rooms and camera lenses. Those aren't related other than you should always take a camera on your adventures out of town!
~Chow magazine
~Friends who never want to make art calling from Michael's because they just suddenly decided that have to start an art journal and need to know what supplies to get and how to do it. Ok. Is there any way you could just wait until our book comes out to learn? Starting Over just started and the wife with the dumbest ever bangs is crying up an annoying storm. How come people don't call me with how-to questions when I am not doing anything important?
Our Bêtes Noires:
~I finally ordered something all by myself at Starbucks and it was so gross I almost barfed it back into my cup. I wasn't alone~ this was a practice run. My husband stood next to me as I ordered and sort of hinted that he thought I'd prefer my drink blended but I stuck to my order because my sister never mentioned anything about saying blended when she gave me explicit directions on how to order should I ever end up at Starbucks alone. Frankly, I don't think even being blended would've helped this drink. Blech.
~ Being the only Lost viewer who thought the underground house that guy is living in is decorated in stuff from Target, not the 1970's.
~The tree trimmers arriving way late which screwed up my entire schedule and they still haven't finished yet and I had places to go, people to see, jackets to buy. They better not ask to use my bathroom. I'm in no mood to deal with someone not putting the seat down. And, I see that they are eating lots of apples from the tree they are trimming. This can't end good.
Visit Linda Woods Artworks for prints on canvas, paper, or wood for all size spaces and budgets.